Policy instrument






National Sustainable Development Strategy 2008

Explicitly as HRD is one of the cross-cutting areas of three.

Highly consistent with the vision of this strategy.

Indicating as a key issue for implementing govt. strategies.

Provision of monitoring and evaluation using indicator, e.g. empowerment of women.

Lacking of resources including financial, infrastructural and technological.

Bangladesh Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan 2009

Indirectly as a programme entitled “strengthening human resource capacity”.

Fairly since it primarily addresses adaptation and mitigation.

Insignificantly rather put emphasis on facilitating govt. agencies, private sector, etc.

Implicitly formulates implementing action plans with several themes and programmes.

Indication of the mobilisation and international provision of adequate finance.

National Strategy for Accelerated Poverty Reduction II 2012

Explicitly. It reports HRD is an effective tool for mitigating income poverty.

Highly consistent and lays particular emphasis on people’s access to information.

Significantly addresses formal and non-formal education; i.e., demand-led education, adult learning.

Clearly articulates with institutional strategy of monitoring (M) and evaluation (E) and indicators for M&E.

Shortage of resources, however, govt. proposes other strategies, e.g. promoting good governance.

National Plan for Disaster Management 2010

Inexplicitly and lays emphasis on capacity development, providing information, etc.

Indirectly, e.g. empowering local communities and infrastructure.

Addressing local people’s resilience; i.e., the capacity to recover from difficulty.

Not precisely but reports to establish institutional accountability in implementing plan.

Facing several challenges such as poverty and climate change impacts.

National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan 2005

Indirectly by promoting traditional knowledge to conserve natural resources.

Implicitly consistent with the broader aims of HRD.

Inadequately addresses the issue of grower’s human capital development for conserving biodiversity.

Coordination and integration problems between agencies. Laws and policies are largely ineffective.

No concrete financial guidelines and recognises the shortage of money is a critical challenge to implement.

Sixth five year plan FY 2011-15

Directly as a major objective is to promote sustainable human development.

Consistent as states human capital is “a pivotal development instrument”.

Properly presents and states HRD is a golden key for a knowledge-based economy.

Setting targets and strategies, but few about informal education, e.g. IPM training.

Challenging in resources management and resource depends on donor-based supports.